I don't really remember ever giving myself a list of resolutions for New Years, simply because I always figured I could make promises to myself that I would most likely break on any day of the year. This year, though, fate would have it that I'm coming back from an awesomely refreshing vacation on the eventful evening. This vacation gave me ample time to think about what I want to do with my current education hiatus (aka my brain is fried, and I took a year between my undergrad and my graduate schooling to recuperate).
So... a list of resolutions was born. So here you are, in no particular order, my list... with pretty pictures added in for good measure. :)
make at least 12 dresses.
write and illustrate a children's book.
play through my game list.
feel comfy in my tank tops.
learn spanish.
make cupcakes.
go on adventures.

(photo credits: dress form, child's book, girl reading, xbox controller, blog, tank top, dia de los muertos, cupcakes, airplanes)
Have a beautiful day,

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