I've always found it interesting how expressive eyebrows are. Maybe it's because I draw a lot of faces, and a slight tilt of an eyebrow can change a character from normal to "determined and a little angry" in 2.5 seconds. It could also just be the fact that I can't raise just one eyebrow at a time and therefore I often find myself with extreme eyebrow envy. Whatever the reason, through my years I've learned to watch for the tilt of a brow or the quirk of a mouth to read people's emotions.
Obviously, my almost-three-year-old has only the beginnings of these skills. I know its something he will develop over time, but I thought I could help him along with this fun little toy! With a few basic shapes, you can show a wide range of emotions. Also, you can just make silly faces, which is just as important.

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